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Game of the Week: Play WarioWare, it's what Danny DeVito would want

Have a rotten day!

An MS Paint-looking image of a young feminine face being poked in the cheek by the finger of a hand presumably controlled by the player. It's weird. It's WarioWare.
Image credit: Nintendo

There's a lot of good stuff out this week. For starters, Indika looks weird and fascinating, while Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, the latest from the geniuses at Simogo, promises to tie my brain into bows for the next few months: more on that game soon. Either of these would be an ideal game of the week. But then Danny DeVito entered the picture, with the hopeful suggestion that he would be playing Wario in a new Mario movie. And after that there was only one game - one game, and, simultaneously, hundreds.

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